lethe.mail project
: Rick Reed
NMR ceremony project
: k.kuwayama + ishikawa raita
shimada hideaki
mizutani kiyoshi
mizutani + shimada + kuwayama

mizutani kiyoshi

【水谷聖 feedback system】
80年代より活動。89年に1st LP リリース。以後ソロ活動。ノイズを聞くものとしてとらえる中で、いくつか実験をくりかえす。現在Soundscape に傾倒中。ライブはフィードバック音を使った音のあり方の実験。

「およそあらゆる物が、音を作り出す素材として考えられます。それらの中にはうまく音を出す物もあれば、全くダメな物もあります。ではそれらの物は音を出す以前にあらかじめ存在し、その後で音を出していると言い切れるのでしょうか。 一つの音風景を恣意的に作り出す、あるいは再構築するという事の意味は、やはり新 しく音をとらえ直すという事にあると思います。こういった場はその意味で貴重であ り、重要なものだと思います。」


Kiyoshi Mizutani : feedback system
Started his activity since '80s. Released first album in '89. Since then he has been a solo player. He keeps repeating some experiments while he regards the noise as the music that can be listened to. Now he is absorbed in the Soundscape. On his live performances, he experiments how to make the sound exist by using feedback sound.

[Almost everything, can be considered as materials that can produce the tunes. Some of them can produce the sound well, and the others can't at all. How can you tell that those materials exist before producing the sound and producing the sound afterward? To produce or reconstruct one sound scene arbitrarily has the meaning to regard the sound afresh again. I think the opportunity like this event is very significant, for the meaning as stated above.]

In my work, most of all my interest is in the existence of sound matters. Some of them give the sound well, the other is not. Anyway the matters exist. So, can we say that it gives the sound always after the existence? Or should we recognize the existence comes after the perception? How can I express the existence itself? Every way of method which cut up the sounds from its surroundings, for example sampling or dubbing, is effective. Because in that case the sounds get the newer existence. So how about existence of matters itself? If the matters come after the perception, there is the existence which is got after the perception. What is the perception? If we perceive something, it means we create the new relation with it. If the fact of perception is one of the parts of the whole relation, it means the perception is included in the whole relation. In this point, I think soundscape theory is important. Now, why does the sound itself become such a question that much? I think music explored the sound itself from the beginning. The impulse to create the music is with a desire to explore the sound itself. There is the exploration motivated by the music. And, I think we can understand the soundscape theoly also from this viewpoint. This theory catches the sound in social or natural relations again. Here we are required deeply listening in different way. For example, The number of sound, a tone and that order have special meaning, and our attention is called there. Perhaps good sample is a song of birds. When that is heard, we are made to get rid of the habit that it is paying attention only on the physical or physiological side of the sound.

plug-in : Quicktime 5+ > download
copyright (c) lethe.voice festival 2003 All Rights Reserved. 翻訳:藤井哲