【古橋栄二 dance】
四日市コンビナート地帯の中、数分おきに蒸気を吹き上げる排水溝とステンレスの扉を 備えた倉庫の前。食肉解体工場の裏、吊るされたホルスタインと残骨の山の傍。
摩周湖、恐山、五色沼、高山、鳥取砂丘、吉野ヶ里遺跡、桜島溶岩原など、全国 名勝旧跡ゲリラツアー。宴会中の大広間。名古屋宵まつりパフォーマンス・ステージ。名古屋市美術館企画展示室。様々な場所とシチュエーションでパフォーマンスを
行ってきたハイブリドなアート・パフォーマー。音と身体と空間の連鎖的融合。 今回は1000秒ほどのパフォーマンスを予定。
Eiji Furuhashi :dance
In the middle of the huge industrial complex called "Yokkaichi
konbinato", in front of the warehouses with iron doors and sewerage
that emit the steam every few minute. At the backyard of the
factories to dismantle everything, at the next of the hanged
Holsteins and huge piles of trash bones. The guerrilla tours
to Japanese old memorial ruins and scenery, such as Mashuko(lake),
Osorezan(spiritual mountain), Goshikinuma(pond), Kouzan(mountain),
Tottori-sakyu(dune), Yohinogasato-iseki(ruin), Sakurajima-yougannchitai(lava
area), the place in the middle of the banquet, Nagoya-yoi-matsuri(night
carnival)performance stage, Nagoya bijyutsukan kikaku tennji
shitsu(Nagoya museum exhibition and planning room). He is the
hybrid art performer who has played in a lot of places with
numerous situations. The chaining fusion of the space, body,
and the sound. He plans to perform for 1000 seconds at this